Haith's Greener by the Day: December Edition Updates

Haith's Greener by the Day: December Edition Updates

School Visit

Julianne & Charlotte headed down to Greenwich House Independent School in Louth, to give a presentation on the topic of conservation, for their Harvest Festival. The children were so engaged and shared lots of ways in which everyone can help out the planet!

Children in Need

The team fundraised for Children in Need. Everyone rocked their Pudsey ears, I’m sure you’ll agree!


The Haith’s website now has a designated section for PRO, see here: https:// haiths.com/pages/pro

Eco-Friendly Christmas

Here are some ideas you might choose to implement for a more eco-friendly and sustainable Christmas:

Decorations – Instead of buying lots of new decorations, reuse the ones you have, or you could up-cycle and make your own!

LED Lights – Using energy-efficient LEDS to light your Christmas tree and house is far better for the environment and it’ll be better for your pocket too.

Buying Presents – Shop local where possible. It’s great to support local businesses – you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and boost the community spirit.

Wrapping Paper – Take a moment to think about how much wrapping paper you have thrown in the bin over your lifetime… We bet it’s quite a lot! Why not consider using newspaper or recyclable wrapping paper to wrap your gifts this year?

Homemade Gifts – Get your craft on! Have a go at baking or making homemade gifts like candles. This will add a personal touch that we’re sure your family and friends will be grateful for. 


Reminders Look out for PPE signs located around the business and make sure you are wearing correct footwear and your hi-vis jackets in these designated areas.

Rachael will be sharing some holiday magic as she hosts a wreath-making session for the team on December 7th! ✨

The next monthly newsletter won’t be released until the end of December so it’s a Merry Christmas from us here at Haith's.

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