Benefits of premium softfoods for garden birds
Our premium-quality softfoods are favourites among Robins, Blackbirds, and Dunnocks, and are also enjoyed by finches, sparrows, and tits, who eagerly pick out their preferred pieces.

Softfoods offer a special treat for seed eaters and are even more beneficial for insectivorous birds like thrushes and Wrens. These birds thrive on ingredients such as dried mealworms, berries, raisins, and high-protein sunflower hearts.
Each Softfoods recipe is unique, but all share the same high standards: only the finest, superclean ingredients are used, and they are 100% edible since all seed husks have been removed.
As breeding season approaches, Softfoods become increasingly important in garden bird feeding. Fledglings can easily consume Softfoods and benefit from their higher moisture content compared to traditional seed diets.

Prosecto Insectivorous, for instance, is rich in natural calcium (Ca), promoting better skeletal development, larger broods, higher fledgling success, and optimal body condition in adult birds. This scientifically enhanced diet is available in handy smaller pack sizes of 500g and 1kg.
Softfoods are simple to feed—just sprinkle them on the ground or a bird table. While feeders aren’t necessary, Softfood feeders are available to protect the seed from rain and deter larger birds, ensuring that smaller, more delicate species get their fair share.

Written by Angela.