Returns Policy

28-day no quibble guarantee with free* returns.
We want you to get the best from our high-quality goods. We won’t sell a product if it doesn’t work. We want you to be happy with your purchase and, if you think we’ve got it wrong, we’d like to know. We’re here to help.
The Haith’s product warranty means that we’ll refund or replace a product if you are not 100% satisfied. If you wish to return a product, we ask that you contact us within 28 days of purchase.
In the unlikely event of an item being faulty, please call us on 0800 298 7054 to arrange a free collection. We will be happy to offer an exchange of full refund.
If any product does not meet your expectations, we will either refund your money or replace the item. Please contact us within 28 days of purchase (a collection charge may apply*).
This does not affect your statutory rights.
Free* returns:
*We offer free returns should your item/s be faulty, damaged or does not meet our high QC standards. (We may ask you to cover the cost of a return should you select unwanted goods via our website or have provided Haith’s with incorrect shipping information).