Hannah Bourne-Taylor – a swift mission (Naturespace with Haith's podcast)

Hannah Bourne-Taylor – a swift mission (Naturespace with Haith's podcast)

Hannah is on a mission – one that we can all help with and doesn’t take much time.

Many of us look to the skies in April and May awaiting the arrival of swifts. Certainly, goes back to childhood and the arrival of warmer weather.

When swifts arrive back in the UK to breed, they face a problem - the ever-increasing loss of nesting sites.

Swifts are best known for making nests in older buildings, however if you don’t have an old outbuilding, you can still help.

Hannah’s mission is to make swift bricks (yes, they are a thing) compulsory in new housing to help red-listed cavity birds.

(Photo courtesy of Ruotong Zhou)

In spring 2023 Haith’s are re-locating to new premises in Louth, Lincolnshire. As a direct result of our podcast with Hannah, we have committed to installing seven swift bricks and a swift attraction call system on our new premises. An absolute first for Haith’s, and we're pleased to be in touch with Action for Swifts who will be advising on siting and helping Haith's home a colony of swifts (fingers crossed). 

Hannah’s passion for nature and helping swifts is inspirational.

Sign her petition today & let’s give cavity nesting birds a chance.

Written by Angela.

Sign here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/626737

Read Hannah’s full story here: https://hannahbournetaylor.com/

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