Haith's welcomes Chris Snell
Dear readers of the Haith’s Cage & Aviary Times
We’d like to offer a big welcome to a new contributor to the Haith’s blog - Champion Budgie Breeder, Mr Chris Snell. However, our relationship with Chris is anything but new as he’s been a customer of Haith’s – purchasing canary seeds and millets – for many, many years. When it comes to selecting bird seed, Chris shares a simple rule his father shared with him: “always buy the best seed available!” and that’s non-negotiable.
In this first or a series of monthly blogs Chris introduces himself and sets us up for what’s to come our way, including tips and insights from the top of the Budgie-breeding World.
Hello my name is Chris Snell. I am a breeder of exhibition Budgerigars for the last 53 years.
I started in this great hobby in 1965, in fact on my 10th birthday.
My late Father, Arthur was my first partner until he passed away in 1994. I then asked my Mother Mary to take over from Dad... so we went from C & A Snell to C &M Snell.
“If you want to have a top quality stud of birds, you must feed the best seed” – Chris Snell.
The early days in the hobby, I was influenced by my Dad. Our seed supplier was John E Haith (Haith’s). Dad would take me to Haith`s Cleethorpes factory to buy our seed. I remember meeting the founder, Ted Haith who took us around his seed factory. I was amazed to see how they super-cleaned their seed. I remember Dad telling me that in the future - when he was not around - that I must always buy the best seed available! If you want to have a top quality stud of birds, you must feed the best seed. That was one of the best pieces of advice he ever gave me.
The Snell partnerships had many successes on the show bench. The Budgerigar Society World Show has been our favourite show. We won top specials there from Beginner Novice Intermediate and Champion. But in 1984 we won Best in Show with baby Light green Hen. Since then many more top specials have been won.
I have been judging since 1981. I travel all over the world judging and lecturing.
I will be writing a monthly blog about my thoughts ideas and experiences – next month (November) I’ll be looking at feeding exhibition birds and the importance of choosing a diet that’s balanced to bring out the best in budgies.
Until then
Chris Snell
Written by Chris Snell