SuperRed Bait Variations: Creative Recipes and Techniques for Anglers
Hi! In today’s blog I want to return to an old theme that I have talked about before, namely using SuperRed as a potent groundbait that will help introduce other aspects of bait into the swim.
Here I want to look at prepared Red Band, fine-ground boilie crumb, and finally as a way to introduce base mix ingredients such as neat fishmeals or even a complete base mix into your swim. In each case the magic ingredient will be my ‘baby’ SuperRed.

We’ll start off by looking at a way of introducing prepared Red Band into the swim, so clearly you first need to prep the pigeon conditioner. There are several ways of doing this, and many of these have been previously detailed in these blogs, but for a quick and simple method just use a Thermos flask. Simply pre-heat the flask with boiling water, then tip it out, add Red Band to about ¾ full and then fill the flask with boiling water.

After a 12 hour soak in the flask the bait will be perfectly cooked, each grain and seed done to a turn. The Red Band should look like this when emptied into a bowl.

Now simply add neat SuperRed to the Red Band a bit at a time slowly blending the two baits together. Note that the blended bait will stiffen slightly so err on the wet side to allow for this to happen. You can always add more SuperRed to the Red Band if necessary.

You are aiming for a consistency that will allow you to form small balls of groundbait that can be fired out into the swim at random.

Now for getting some boilie crumb into the swim. First take a kilo of boiled baits – I prefer to use shelf life baits – and empty them into a food processor. It’s probably best if you pop down to a boot sale and pick up and old one rather than use Mum’s/the wife/s best kitchen hardware!

Now given the shelfies a good blitzing in the food processor. You will find about 2-3 minutes on maximum speed will produce a lovely fine crumb from the whole kilo of boilies.

This bit is optional, but while blitzing I like to add a bit of liquid attraction to the crumb.

You can also add a touch of flavour. Don’t go mad. This amount will be fine for a kilo of crumb.
So once again all you need to do is add the crumb to the SuperRed and then add water a bit at a time to stiffen.

Again the object is to form small balls that can be fired out with a caty.

Finally you can employ exactly the same procedure to introduce ingredients such as fishmeal, ground pellets, or even neat base mix into your swim. First empty the required amount of SuperRed into a bucket or bowl and add some liquid attraction. This is a mix of Molasses and Nutrabaits’ Corn Steel Liquor.
Now add water and blend the ingredients with a fork to form a wet sloppy mixture.

This is my own base mix made up from various Haith’s Baits and Nutrabaits ingredients and base mixes including Haith’s Baits CLO.

Now I add the base mix to the sloppy SuperRed so that it stiffens enough so that I can create larger groundbait balls the size of a big orange. These can be thrown by hand into the swim.

For greater range the groundbaits can be fired out using a specialist groundbait sling as shown here.

So there we have three handy tips for introducing maximum attraction into your swim. Get it right and you could strike lucky, like this!
Written by Ken Townley