Eating your greens

Eating your greens

Very recently I eagerly opened a heavy package delivered to my was the new `SuperSoft’ Robin Green & Garlic pellets from Haith’s, sent to me to try out...

As I opened the packaging and even before seeing these new and potentially exciting pellets the smell that came wafting upwards told me that these were going to be something special and so I couldn`t wait to try them out on my next trip out...

After some thought and deliberation I decided on a pool I know well, but this year has seen a dip in, what better place to try them? Normally I fish three rods, but on this lake I remembered from old if you get a take the other would go off too! So two rods it was (less hassle).

I elected to fish the inlet stream end, an area that used to provide good cover and oxygenating stream water.....this is a marginal spot, the other rod I had plans for in the open water...

I did my marginal trap routine; carefully placing the simple rig under a canopy of bushes.....when I felt the lead `donk` I carefully placed some homemade 14mm Robin Red baits over the baited spot then three or four handfuls of the `Green SuperSofts` directly over the freebies....then I silently walked back to my swim and set the indicator on the alarm head. The other rod had the same Robin Red boilie hookbait but was under armed into an area of the lake away from the snags, some quick work with a mini spomb with `Green SuperSofts’ and some freebies saw me sitting back to await some action, if any!

A couple of hours passed and - if I`m honest - I got a bit bored so, I fed some `Green` right close in where I was sitting...after around five minutes, a large black shape appeared and then another...carp.....they were literally tearing the bottom up to get at the pellets......but still I hadn`t had any I dug my new/second hand camera out....just as I was sorting the camera I had a take (as you do when not expecting anything)....a short - but rod bending -fight saw me landing one of the lakes small mirrors complete in winter colours....only small size wise but totally welcome....this was from the margins....just as I finished the photos using the electronic cable... and just as predicted, the open water shot off as well! I nearly lost this fish as it headed straight for the island snag....luckily, though, it was soon in my net and carefully unhooked and photographed then returned. By this time I was feeling less bored....tee hee...

Both the rods were put back in position...and I re-baited.

Just as thought of a welcome drink came into my head, the margin rod pulled round violently and straight away I could tell it was decent...

…and, after a right old wrist aching tussle, soon resting in the landing net mesh was a cracking common...good times!

Adam Roots
If you get a chance to try the new ‘SuperSoft’ Robin Green & Garlic pellets (I call them ‘Green’ for short) do so...they’re very good indeed!

Buy your fishing bait ingredients direct from Haith's

Adam Roots......

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