SuperRed Bait-Making Tricks: Expert Tips for Anglers
One of the best selling products in the Haith's Baits range is the amazingly versatile SuperRed™.
Developed for us by Ken Townley, and based upon the ultimate carp and coarse fish attractor Robin Red®, SuperRed™ is without doubt the product most likely to brighten up your fishing life!
Here are a few SuperRed tricks you may like to try:

We all know how effective PVA bags and mesh can be. You should attach a mesh parcel of pellet or boilie crumb (or both) to your hookbait each time you cast out, in order to draw attention to your hookbait. It’s also a good idea to pre-tie your mesh parcels before you go fishing.

Some of the best results come to PVA mesh parcels that have been soaked in a liquid attractor of some kind, and one of the best attractors going is Molasses such as the Aviform shown here. To thin the molasses to make it ready for use, warm it gently in hot water.

Now simply dip the PVA mesh parcel into the molasses like this.

After an overnight soak you will find that the molasses has infused the contents of the mesh and reverted to it less viscous, sticky state.

The final step is to dip the soaked PVA When the PVA parcel hits the lakebed, tiny particles of SuperRed™ start to drift away from the sticky mesh. Some fall to the bottom, other drift upwards slowly, while others maintain neutral density for a while. The effect is to spread a field of attraction around the contents of the parcel and focus attention on the hookbait.
Here’s another idea for you to try:

To dry SuperRed™, add a good dollop of any of the liquid foods such as the one shown here.

Mix the SuperRed™ and the liquid(s) together, (you can use more than one if you like) and then add lake water to your preferred consistency. This is how I like mine, sticky, but not so much that it does not slide off the spoon.

Allow the SuperRed™ to stand for an hour or so, during which time it will absorb the water and thicken slightly, and add a few pellets, crushed tiger nuts, boilie crumb or even whole mini-boilies. Finally, here is one more trick for you:
Using narrow PVA mesh tube, make up a 4-5cm long “sausage” of neat SuperRed™. Then using a baiting needle, pull the hooklink through the sausage lengthways.

Now finally attach the hookbait.
Written by Ken Townley