Victory Call: Success Stories of the North Coast Carper

Victory Call: Success Stories of the North Coast Carper

Some time ago on the `Farmvine,` through a rural contact that I`m lucky to have, I heard of a lovely private and virtually unfished pool.

I had the farmers phone no and email address...and as the lake was no more than fifteen minutes away from my cottage it seemed a crime not to follow this one up...

Although I knew the whereabouts exactly of the venue, I did as always (when looking at a new venue to angle upon) and that was to politely, directly, contact the owner, the worst they could say was “no!” So, after a nice email, followed up by a friendly phone call, permission was gained to fish...for the princely sum of five pounds including night fishing if I so wanted [of course].


Two fishing lines ready for this trip to lure a big cornish perch

So a trip was planned...I decided to leave all the `toys’ at home, at least for this trip, and took along my traditional coarse set up, the lure of big Cornish perch not to be sniffed I had some special new products to try out for the Haith’s team...

On the morning of the trip and looking out of my bedroom window the weather on top of Rough Tor was wild and unforgiving, should I stay or go? I asked myself. Then I remembered I had work for a whole week and that meant, no fishing. So that was it - I was going!

Fifteen minutes later...I found myself gently but excitedly knocking on the manor house door, no answer...then behind me bounced a lovely collie followed by the farmer, we shook hands and I introduced myself. The Farmer said, “Hang on, have a look at the lake first. Hop on!” pointing to a large quad bike. We shot off across some boggy fields, and eventually there she was, a lovely pool set in amongst woodland. The Farmer said, “what do ee reckon then boy?” All I could do was mumble!!

I went back for the car to get the gear, the Farmer even gave me the key code for the lock and off I went.

Like I mentioned...I just wanted to see what was in the lake so, what better tactic than float fishing in the margins?! I also set up my J Wilson travel avon /quiver and whilst setting up, I noticed a couple of black shapes moving around near the small island, so I set up even quicker... lol.

My main float fished bait was prawns, fished singly over a bed of the new Haith’s SuperSoft pellets I was using. The quiver was also down the edge using a long running lead and a Haith’s homemade 10mm Robin Red sausage type cube...also with some light handfuls of the new pellets right over the top of the bait.

Mirror carp was netted

I didn't have to wait long as the float dipped, met by a flick of the wrist and my Sheffield pin began to take on a backward spin of its own...after a short spirited fight, a nice mirror was netted.

I looked round, of course there was no-one around for miles so I did the victory call of the North coast carper (which sounds like a strangled peacock!) [Editor’s notes: I think we need to hear a recording of this “call”]. I was happy with my first fish from the special pool.

Caught a big perch

The farmer mentioned that there was some big perch in the lake so I angled away in anticipation...eventually the quiver tip pulled around and straight away I could tell this was a carp. My version 6 Mitchell sung its song on the drag as I carefully landed my prize.

Caught two more carp using Haith's robin Orange


I had several more carp on the `pin ‘n’ prawn` under my rod tip, no monsters but great fun from a lovely little private venue.

I was using the new Haith’s Robin Orange and Smoked Paprika SuperSoft pellets on the float set up and the Robin Gold and Five Spice SuperSoft pellets on the marginal quiver rod.

During the session I carefully watched the water, what I saw will be enough to tempt me back and I will once again be using the pellets and homemade Robin Red/LRR (Liquid Robin Red) combo next time...remember this pool has had virtually zero angling on it, so I was very happy with the new pellet.

Written by Adam Roots



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