Which Bird Food is Best for Ducks?
Ducks are found throughout the world in all different habitats such as small ditches, ponds, right through to rugged coasts.
All species are aquatic and have webbed feet and a flattened broad bill. They nearly all nest on or beside water although one, the Goldeneye will nest in holes in trees.
The male duck is called a drake, the female duck is called a hen whilst baby ducks are simply called a duckling.
Ducks that live in Europe are split into three main groups: dabbling ducks like the Teal which feed on weed and small insects either on or just below the surface of the water. Diving ducks (such as the Tufted Duck) like to feed on insects and small molluscs which live on the bottom of the pond and as such have feet that are set further back and finally, we have sea ducks like the Eider who will dive down for animal prey.
One place where ducks can usually be seen is a local park, wildlife centre, lakes, and ponds. Although ducks like to eat algae, crayfish, frogs, tadpoles, leaves, weeds, snails and worms, we have a great mix for you to take along to the park to supplement their diet.
Haith's Duck & Goose Mix is a mixture of grains and cereals and can be fed as it is or soaked prior to feeding and is certainly far healthier for ducks and pond water than bread.
Children love to feed ducks at the pond and we'll all no doubt have happy memories of doing this with our parents and grandparents.
Water holds a fascination for children and our blog Pond and Park Life explains just some of the activities you can enjoy why not take a read of it here https://www.haiths.com/pond-and-park-life-/
A few sensible precautions to prevent children from getting too close to the water are, of course, in order - but this shouldn't stop any enjoyment for youngsters nor wild ducks. In fact, this early interaction with wildlife will eventually pay dividends as spending time with nature is time invested well.