Haith's Greener by the Day: November Edition Updates
Save Our Wild Isles
Save Our Wild Isles has finished screening – it would be great to hear your feedback on the series. What are we already doing and what can we implement to improve Haith’s relationship with nature?
Simon hosted Nature Space with Haith’s, interviewing Sacha Dench. The podcast covered her early childhood, adventures following swans and ospreys’ as they migrate, and ways that for-profit organisations can support nature.
17/10 we recorded a podcast with Nicholas Howard whose family own Castle Howard and the surrounding estate. Nicolas discussed wildlife, restoration work and sustainable practices.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday the 29th of October, we ran a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money to support Macmillan’s vital work. We raised a fantastic £104.60!
‘Wear it Pink Day’
The team celebrated ‘Wear it Pink Day’ on Friday the 20th of October to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Research.
Halloween Pumpkins
Remember not to discard your Halloween pumpkins on the floor – they can be harmful to hedgehogs. Either throw them away in a bin or, why not make a fancy Halloween bird feeder? Hang your pumpkin a tree and fill it with bird food – the birds will be very grateful, especially at this cold time of year!
Education Section
Jane Banham CSci Teach, Science Teaching and Learning Consultant, got in touch regarding our nature resources for schools. She led a Science Subject Leader Network evening in Skegness in early October, where she promoted our Family & Education section as well as promoting the Haith’s website.
Stewton Stars
Jess, the owner of Stewton Stars, has added our custom-made, nature resources to her cabins for families and children to enjoy.
Haith’s Clubman
Haith’s Clubman webpage was launched on 19/10.
Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night
The 5th of November invites bonfires and firework displays across the nation. With vivid displays, it can be easy to get wrapped up in the excitement however, it is important to remember local wildlife on this day too. Here are a few tips:
1. Build your bonfire on the day – this will lessen the likelihood of wildlife (especially hedgehogs and amphibians) seeking refuge in your bonfire.
2. Before lighting a bonfire, check thoroughly for ANY wildlife which may be hiding.
3. Light your bonfire from one side. If an animal is still inside, this can allow them a chance to escape.
4. If lighting fireworks, aim them away from trees – birds will appreciate this as loud fireworks being set off close by can cause serious distress.
Until next month,
Julianne, Charlotte & Ed