A rubbish goal: 100% landfill free by February 2015
The environment and the birds are now safer with Haith’s. Read this blog to find out why...
Three months ago, we decided to cut our landfill drastically and recycle as much as possible. As a wildlife company, we think it’s important that we take the lead and demonstrate how we’re helping protect (rather than hinder) the environment. It’s our objective to deliver the cleanest bird food and it makes sense to have the cleanest factory, too. Here’s how we are getting on…..
We were concerned that we were just throwing too much away to go to landfill and also what it was doing to carbon emissions, and also spending money on having this waste collected from our warehouse. Our Environmental Officer decided that we had to improve on this and as such we now have procedures in place to segment and sort waste materials. The ENTIRE compliment of The Bird Food centre (our factory in Lincolnshire) has bought into this sorting process.
Although there was no charge for the removal of our unused containers, we have now gone from four bins to one which will dramatically reduce our impact on landfill.
Here’s some of the ways our bird food technicians are reducing landfill today:
We up cycle more waste than ever before; our cardboard waste is now shredded and re-used to reduce the amount of packaging we purchase.
• Any paper and plastics are separated in to bins and recycled
• The raw materials that are not needed go to a local re-cycling plant to be recycled.
• Labels are taken off our shrink wrap, which is then all re-cycled
• Kitchen waste is also separated and re-cycled.
We all know how important re-cycling is and our warehouse and administrative team are completely backing our new policies and will continue to do this in the future.
“It’s a team effort,” says Leonard Cooper (Production Manager at The Bird Food Centre), “I couldn’t do it without the support of every single bird food technician and together we’re working hard to make Haith’s the facility of choice of all things bird food and beyond! As a result of all our re-cycling team’s efforts, we are hoping that by February 2015 we will be 100% landfill free.”
We’re doing this because, it’s better for Britain’s wildlife. Our birding community wants to know that it's supporting a company that truly cares about birds and the environment. One that doesn't pay lip-service by printing a huge corporate document that’s unlikely to be read, and then not acting on it – we think action speaks louder than words. We think the environment and the birds are now safer with Haith’s.
Written by Angela and Chris