Life as a Wildlife Trust Fundraiser
It is mid December and my fingers feel like they are being pricked to death; I have a rosy red face and tingling feet. I am standing on the front at Donna Nook surrounded by a bitter wind. All around me, the buckthorn is coated in an icy layer – it has now turned minus five degrees.
In any normal circumstance, I would head to my car and put the heat on full whack. Today is different though. My job as a Wildlife Trust Fundraiser means I must battle the weather; only six hours to go!
Firstly, I lug my equipment from the carpark to the frosty front. With my fingers shivering, I unfold my table, place my tablecloth upon it and set up display. I look out to the horizon and see hundreds of bulls, cows and pups. I am mesmerized. I approach the thin fence dividing me from these wild wonders and catch a newly born pup suckling its mother. It is a truly magical sight.
As I head back to my stand, a steady flow of people begin to stroll along the pathway, completely transfixed by the view of fluffy figures in front of them. It is peak season for this Lincolnshire grey seal colony and they are putting on a show.
I ask a middle-aged woman, “Can I interest you in the Wildlife Trust?”
She approaches and tells me how much nature has helped her since being diagnosed with long covid. She explains how she was close to death and now has a fear of crowded spaces. She tells me the safety she feels outside and how wildlife has improved her mental health. I completely agree – nature is a fantastic form of medicine!
She continued to tell me her story and I was impressed by her bravery, she didn’t have to open up to me like that. It was lovely to meet someone who loves nature so much and to see that nature has given back to her in such a beautiful way.
I tell her about the Trust and some of the amazing projects underway. It is lovely to see the excitement in her face as she officially becomes a member.
As the day continues, I meet many different characters. I speak to people of all ages – some are avid bird watchers, many are keen walkers and others have supported the Trust long before I blew out my first birthday candle!
It is such a privilege to interact with people from all walks of life and I feel fortunate to be making a difference to the wildlife of Lincolnshire and other counties.
As my shift wraps up, I have a quick wonder along the front. I stare into one of the pup’s gorgeous round eyes and can’t help but smile.
As I pack away and drive home, I think to myself… How lucky am I?
Written by Julianne Jessett