Monthly Email - July Edition
MS Day
The team celebrated MS Day through a raffle, name card and dressing in orange and blue. The day raised an amazing £80.37 for the MS Society. Well done everyone!
Martin Woods, former Head Gardener at Sandringham, joined us for an insightful podcast... Listen here.

Social Media Talk
Charlotte visited Lincoln College to give a talk about her career in social media. She was able to share her passion and provide an insight into her job here at Haith’s.

Cage & Aviary Feature
Our eucalyptus tree planting project was highlighted in Cage & Aviary Magazine.

Some of the team hosted UKBC members from across the country. The event was a great success and included a presentation, factory tour and group discussion. For more information on the day, please read the following blog: https:// haiths.com/blogs/cage-aviary-bird-care-guides/ukbc-lands-at-haith-s-new-hq

Palm Oil Problems
In recent times, the problems with palm oil and its effects on the environment have been highlighted. You might have never heard of palm oil, so here is a rundown:
Palm oil is a vegetable oil derived from the oil palm tree; a plant mostly located in Africa. The fruit from the tree is squeezed to produce edible palm oil.
The largest producer of palm oil is Indonesia.
Palm oil is a diverse ingredient and can be used in foods, cosmetic products, and cleaners. The high-saturation content can change product textures. For example, it can make lipstick appear glossy, and it can make cleaning products have a foaming texture. It is said that half of all supermarket products contain palm oil, which is quite shocking!
Unfortunately, palm oil causes considerable issues for the environment. Deforestation is a huge problem; due to the vast amount of trees being chopped down for palm oil, animals such as orangutans, tigers and elephants are losing their habitats, and very sadly, dying.
Palm oil is also linked to huge carbon emissions. When the trees are eventually burnt, peatlands below (which store mass amounts of carbon) release carbon into the atmosphere.
It’s tricky though, as many people’s livelihoods depend on palm oil plantations, and alternative types of oil come with their own problems.
To make a difference, there are brands who are committed to a responsible palm oil future. Explore the page here for more information: https://palmoilscorecard.panda.org/scores
When purchasing products, look for the RSPO logo (this shows that the product has certified sustainable palm oil inside). To see if a company or product you frequently purchase from is certified, check using the search tool here: https://rspo.org/search-members
Until next month,
Julianne, Charlotte & Ed