Exploring Pond and Park Life: Tips for Observing Wildlife
Thursday, 11th August 2016
Entertaining the kids with something different each day during the summer holidays can be difficult, but fear not as we have a wild solution.
Why not investigate your local park? If there's one close by, it's probably full of wildlife and - best of all - it's more than likely to be free.
Why not take some of our Duck & Goose Mix if your park has a pond? The local ducks would really appreciate the mix, it’s full of goodness and much better for them than stale bread.
Here's what to look out for at the pond...

The best way to see what’s in the pond has to be pond dipping. The only thing needed is a children’s fishing net and a tray of some kind, preferably white, so you can identify the creatures easily. Trying not to cast a shadow on the water, to start with fill your container with a bit of the water from the pond – this is to put the creatures in whilst you look at them. Then with your net under the surface, collect water in a long, smooth movement. Remove your net and immediately empty the contents into your tray- don’t be tempted to look at the contents of your net beforehand.
Once the water in the tray has settled, you should be able to see what is swimming around in it.
When you have studied the occupants of the tray, very gently empty it back into the pond, after all, you wouldn’t want to give the occupants inside a headache.
We hope you enjoy your day near the water’s edge but very importantly always be aware of the danger of water around you, therefore, we always recommend that young children should always be supervised.

Written by Angela and Chris