Big Garden Bird Watch 2018: Key Findings and Insights
In 2017 during the breeding season conditions were mild and this has been linked to a higher than usual influx of smaller bird species in our gardens during January 2018.
The latest RSPB annual Big Garden Bird Watch has revealed that sightings of Goldfinches, Long-tailed tit and Coal tits have increased. It would seem that birds have benefited from milder than normal temperatures during autumn and winter and on into January. This made it easier for birds to find food before the arrival of the “Beast from the East”.
Long-tailed tits increased by 16%, Goldfinches were up 11%, and Coal Tits up 15% on the figures from 2017.

Unfortunately, results have revealed a dip in our solitary species, such as Robins (down 12%) and Blackbirds (down 18%) as these have spent more time away from our gardens in search of food. It is normal for more food to be available in the countryside during a mild winter, which means birds are less likely to visit our gardens.

Almost seven million birds were counted in this year’s survey by more than 420,000 people across the country.
The top ten birds in the UK are:
House Sparrow
Blue tit

Great Tit
Long-tailed tit
Thanks to each and every one of you for taking part, these results show that garden bird feeding is crucial at any time of the year and we look forward to 2019 results.
Written by Angela and Chris