Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - The Chaffinch
I’m determined to continue my wildlife adventures with my trusty iPhone at the ready.
However, this week I wanted to find something a little more subtle than last week’s Goldfinch feeding on sunflower hearts and the love-making bumble bees. Charming as these are, I wanted to find something a little more subtle – something that illustrated nature at its more vulnerable (but hopefully with an upbeat ending).
A few days passed and then the subject of this week’s video appeared right in front of the kitchen window, a lone Chaffinch fledgling calling for its parents. Vulnerability of the highest order. I tapped the record button and filmed the fragile bird through the window. The fact it didn’t immediately take flight when it saw me made we realise how crucial it was this bird found its parents. I continued filming.
My gut feeling was that a parent would soon show up, which is exactly what happened; however, I’m frustrated to report that I didn’t manage to film the parent (a male Chaffinch) appearing on the very same garden chair, but I did see the two birds fly safely off and disappear into a nearby hedge.
What a treat it was for me. I imagine both birds were equally happy to see each other. All’s well that ends well.
Until next week, enjoy nature.
Written by Simon H. King