What Do Garden Birds Like to Eat? A Comprehensive Guide
It’s often an assumption that birds only need our help during the winter months but this certainly isn’t the case. Wild birds need our help throughout each and every season - come rain or shine (or snow such as in recent months!).
This brings me to a question that we are frequently asked here at Haith’s Bird Food Centre - ‘What do birds like to eat?’
It’s tempting to drum up images of childhood memories, throwing left over bread to the birds in the garden or to ducks at the pond. Whilst birds will readily gobble it up, bread isn’t good for their diet as it lacks the nutrition that they need. The same can be said for feeding leftovers and scraps, what might be good for us isn’t necessarily good for birds. Next time you plan on taking a stroll around the park then why not try our specially blended Duck and Goose Mix?

If bread and scraps are out of the question then what do birds like to eat?
Many birds love to dine on insects, earthworms, fruits and berries. As the seasons change such foods may become scarce and that’s when wild birds need our help more than ever.
Since 1937 Haith’s have supplied bird food to customers who are as passionate about feeding SuperClean™ and safe foods as we are. We’ve created a really useful ‘Garden Bird Feeding Guide’ which can be found under the ‘Guide’ tab on the main page of our website. This helps to link different species of birds to their ideal foods – you really can’t go wrong!

If you are still looking for some inspiration for what birds like to eat then here is a selection of foods in which Haith’s recommends;
Sunflower Hearts – These already de-husked and packed full of energy. Sunflower Hearts can be fed from a tube-type seed feeder, bird tables, and ground feeders or sprinkled on the ground.
Huskfree Advance™ - Our 100% edible, no mess, no waste bird food. Available in three different mixes: original; with suet pellets; with dried mealworms. Why not try them all and find out which mix is favoured by your garden visitors?
Premium Wild Bird Food - Our 100% Wheat Free Bird Seed Mix. Contains ingredients such as Black Sunflower, Millet, Canadian Canary Seed and Small Sunflower.
Great British Suet Balls – Made from high-energy suet blended with seeds formed into plumptious fat balls. Our fat balls come without nets making them even safer for birds.
Mealworm Crumble™ - A great soft food made especially for birds with softbills such as, Wrens, Robins and Blackbirds. Mealworm Crumble™ can be fed from a soft food feeder or bird table. Perfect for the breeding season!
Whichever of our high-quality bird food you decide to try we hope that you will spot a few new visitors in your garden.
Written by Gemma Saunders