What Kind of Food Do Birds Like to Eat? Top Picks for Bird Feeders
As with humans, birds also like a variety to their diet. Here at Haith’s, we are regularly asked ‘What kind of food do birds like to eat?’ We offer a wide range of foods to suit every bird’s needs. More importantly, our wild bird food is SuperClean™ so not only is it healthy, it’s also safe.
If you are in need of inspiration as to what kind of food birds like to eat then read on…
Live food
Although some people think that live food should only be fed during the breeding season, this is just a myth. Wild birds benefit from live foods all year round as they provide essential protein and moisture. You can choose from standard Mealworms, Mini Mealworms and Waxworms too.

Popular classics
Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts and Niger Seed are an extremely popular choice for birds.
Our Sunflower Hearts are a firm favourite with the birds in our wildlife area here at Louth. Sunflower Hearts are high in calorie and provide- much needed energy. We also offer Black Sunflower too which encourages natural foraging as the birds must remove the husk to uncover the heart inside.
Niger Seed is rich in oil and Goldfinches can’t get enough of it! Our top tip would be to purchase a tray to go with your feeder to capture waste husks.
Peanuts are packed with protein and oils and offer a real energy boost! It’s really important to feed peanuts from a suitable feeder, especially during breeding season as whole peanuts may get lodged in the throats of baby birds. Only Peanut Granules can be fed on the ground or on bird tables.
Soft food
Soft foods are easily digestible and contain higher moisture levels than a traditional seed diet. Whilst all birds enjoy soft food, our mixes are ideal for fledglings.
Our soft foods are a favourite as they contain various ingredients which the birds love; for example, fruits, insects, mealworms and berries.
Throughout the season’s birds need as much energy as they can possibly get, feeding suet to the birds in your garden will help keep their energy levels up. With the bird’s energy levels rising, this helps them sustain activity levels longer between meals. So, bring out the suet!
Our varied range of suets includes fat balls and blocks but we also form suet as pellets too so there’s plenty of choice for birds.
We hope that we’ve helped to answer the question ‘what kind of bird food do birds like to eat?’ Whichever of our foods that you decide to try you can have confidence that the wild birds would benefit from them in their diet.
Written by Eleanor Wharton