Haith's Supports BTO: Raising £33,600 for the Young Scientists Fund
Thursday, 17th December 2015
Haith's have been supporting the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) and we're now over the moon to hear how much has been raised...

The count's in and the BTO and its generous supporters raised the grand total of £33,600 - which beats last year's total by more than £1,000.
"The proceeds are going to the Young Scientists Fund, which helps us to support early career scientists with practical experience and fieldwork opportunities alongside supervision of academic work," says Bonita Johnston (Corporate & Trust Engagement BTO).
Simon King - Haith's Associate Director: "We're always happy to support the good work of the BTO and - in this case - the Young Scientists Fund. News of nature decline is commonplace; in just forty years between 1970 and 2010 the global Living Planet Index (LPI), which measures trends in thousands of vertebrate species, has declined by 52%. The ZSL and World Wildlife Fund’s LPI report state that: “Habitat loss and degradation, and exploitation through hunting and fishing (intentionally for food or sport, or accidentally, for example as by-catch) are the primary causes of decline.” We hope these young scientists go on to help reverse these trends."
For more information about the BTO, see ?http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/gbw/results
Written by Haith's
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