More comings and goings December 10, 2020With the darker mornings and some foggy mornings this past week, the birds have been arriving slightly later at the feeders and bird table. Some of the days have been...
Brisk weather and brisk business at the feeders December 3, 2020The days are definitely colder and there have been a couple of frosts in the past week and the last couple of days have been much colder, so activity at...
A busy week at the feeders and bird table November 26, 2020The extra suet log that I have been hanging in my cobnut tree has certainly been put to good use by a variety of birds in the past week.My photograph...
Move over it’s my turn! November 19, 2020In my last blog I talked about the suet log which I had placed in my cobnut tree to give the smaller birds up to and including starlings, the chance...
Frosty mornings and hungry birds November 13, 2020The last couple of mornings have brought a white ground frost to my back garden and the birds have certainly been pretty hungry this week.They have generally disappeared for the...
Extra food needed November 12, 2020With the colder weather with us now, at least on some days, I decided to put out some additional food for the smaller birds and have placed a suet log...
End of British Summertime and care needed October 30, 2020With the change in the clocks last weekend it is no surprise that the birds are arriving for food at different times. It’s been pretty dull and damp the last...
Birds keeping me amused October 23, 2020There has been slightly less work taking place in my garden during the past week and so the birds are back into their normal routine of eating food at the...
Routine and opportunities October 16, 2020On some of the colder days in the past week bird numbers have certainly increased, but unfortunately, I have been having work done in the garden on steps and a...
Woodpecker in town October 8, 2020Over the past week it has been nice to see several visits of a woodpecker to the garden and although I can’t be sure that it’s the same one, it...
Be a nature detective this autumn October 4, 2020Autumn is now here and this brings many changes in the natural world. Animals and plants get prepared for the colder months ahead and it’s a great time of year...
A routine week at the feeders September 10, 2020I think this past week has been a fairly routine one as far as the birds in the garden are concerned and I don’t seem to have had any more...
All creatures great and small September 3, 2020In some of my blogs I have mentioned other wildlife as well as birds coming into my garden and so my photograph this time shows the fox standing down at...
A nice drop of rain August 21, 2020The extreme hot weather finally left Kent on Saturday 15th and we have had some rain and some thunder. I’m sure the birds welcome less heat and the availability of...
Is this branch taken? August 18, 2020The weather has been hot during the past week and especially so on Friday 31st July and so bird activity has been a little more muted during the last few...
Not the new normal August 7, 2020The new normal is an expression we are used to hearing concerning the pandemic and I began to wonder earlier this week if there was a new normal with the...
Turtle Dove: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide July 22, 2020There cannot be many people who haven’t heard of the festive song regarding the twelve days of Christmas and two turtle doves. You may ask yourself why these summer migrants...
Britain’s Top 10 Most Common Garden Birds of 2020 July 20, 2020Britain’s top 10 most common garden birds – 2020The results for this year’s Big Garden Birdwatch are in and yet again the House Sparrow has topped the charts at the...
Move over because it is my turn now July 14, 2020Activity at the bird table has continued apace during the last week and I’m now convinced that the feral pigeon numbers are bolstered by youngsters, as some of the ones...
A change in routine July 14, 2020The last couple of days have been hot here in Kent and the birds at the feeders and bird table have moved to a new routine. Normally the larger birds...
Working it out June 17, 2020Activity continues to be brisk at my bird feeders, which is probably the biggest understatement of the year. The starlings have been bringing more and more youngsters to the feeders...
Armchair Naturalist - Strange goings-on June 16, 2020My neighbour’s house has for many years been the home for a small group of house sparrows, noisy, bolshy and entertaining. They (the house sparrows) usually start quite early getting...
Please stay still! June 16, 2020It has been an interesting week as always watching the birds in the garden and as I mentioned the other week, the first of the young birds are appearing. There...
Armchair Naturalist - Woods versus forests June 1, 2020It is always very important to remember how diverse and important our forests and woods are. They are packed full of flora, fungi and fauna as well as having huge...
New arrivals and familiar friends May 28, 2020I have a surprise visitor to report this past week with the sighting of a lesser spotted woodpecker on my peanut feeder. I do very occasionally see them in the...
Spring Birdwatching: Transforming Your Urban Garden into a Bird Haven May 20, 2020Living in a seaside town during the winter months can be a bit bleak but beauty can be found everywhere if you search hard enough for it. Come the months...
Little and large May 15, 2020Over the past four blogs, I have been giving an account of the birds in my garden and have talked about the feral pigeons, the sparrows and wood pigeons in...
Armchair Naturalist - Having a wash and brush up May 13, 2020In my recent blogs, I have been talking about the birds in my garden and particularly the feral pigeons. Here in Kent that has been very little rain during April...
Having a wash and brush up in the wildlife garden May 13, 2020In my recent blogs, I have been talking about the birds in my garden and particularly the feral pigeons. Here in Kent that has been very little rain during April...
Armchair Naturalist - Wildlife during lockdown May 12, 2020As we are in a serious pandemic around the world at the moment due to Covid – 19 we have noticed that our towns, cities and villages have become quieter...
War Pigeons: The Role of Pigeons in Wartime Communication May 7, 2020Thursday, 7th May 2020 When the country awakens on the morning of Friday 8th May it will mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War Two in Europe. The guns...
Armchair Naturalist - Nature is certainly making us all happy May 7, 2020During these uncertain times, more and more of us are turning to nature and the great outdoors as part of our daily exercise whilst following the government guidelines during the...
Armchair naturalists should also be nature detectives May 4, 2020We two armchair naturalists are fortunate insofar as birdlife is concerned. From the windows of our tiny cottage we can see much activity. We enjoy watching male and female blackbirds...
Armchair Naturalist - Why I never tire of watching the birds bathe April 29, 2020On this glorious spring day, I am sitting by my pond. Now and again the breeze floats the exquisite scent of the bluebells over to me and I've just noticed...
Armchair Naturalist - Wildlife surveys April 22, 2020Several people have asked about surveys that they can take part in during lockdown. Obviously please do these within your gardens and don’t go endangering yourself. So as part of...
Celebrating Earth Day 2020: Tips for Supporting Wildlife April 22, 2020Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 On 22nd April every year, we are encouraged to celebrate Earth Day. First organised in 1970, it is the global effort to clean up habitats and promote environmental...
Building the des res aka a nest April 22, 2020This is my third armchair naturalist blog for Haith's. Last week I tended to concentrate on the larger birds in the garden so it seems only fair that the smaller...
Birdwatching from Home: My Isolation Experience and Tips April 21, 2020I am working from home due to the unprecedented times of COVID-19 isolation stay at home rules and keeping myself safe, and protecting the NHS. There's just me and my...
Daily Exercise for Birds: How to Encourage Natural Activity in Your Garden April 21, 2020It is another sunny day here in Lincolnshire and I set off for my once a day daily exercise. Spring is in full swing now as the blossom trees are...
Armchair Naturalist - Nature notes from a Wiltshire garden April 20, 2020Something has eaten the frog spawn in my pond! The usual suspects are the sharp-suited heron, the gorgeous glossy crows, and the very curious but cautious magpies. I’m glad to...
Pigeon rugby and other bird news April 15, 2020In my first blog, I talked about the various birds that come to my garden. I also mentioned that the feral pigeons keep me amused with some of their antics...
Exploring the Wild Side of Cleethorpes Town: A Nature Walk Guide April 14, 2020Tuesday, 14th April 2020 It’s Sunday and through these uncertain times during the coronavirus pandemic, my husband and I are following the government guidelines and taking to exercising daily outdoors. We are...
Easter Birdwatching Observations: Insights from The Coopers April 12, 2020Sunday 12th April 2020 Easter, but it doesn’t feel like it because of the personal, national and global concern about Covid-19 and growing number of deaths. However, as the Queen...
Armchair Naturalist - Peacock Butterfly April 9, 2020I am carrying on with my series of armchair naturalist blogs, a series looking at enjoying the wildlife in my garden in collaboration with Haith’s. Today, I am looking at...
Armchair Naturalist - It’s That Time of Year Again! April 9, 2020I live in a suburban garden, 90 feet long by 45 feet at the rear, narrower at the side of the house and with trees and hedging at the front....
Armchair Naturalist - An Introduction to Woodcarving April 3, 2020Nature is oblivious to the current pandemic coronavirus which is affecting the world's human population, in a way that we could not envisage some months ago. Whilst handshaking high fives,...
The Importance of Keeping Bird Feeders Full: Tips and Benefits February 27, 2020In colder weather it’s a great help to birds by filling the bird feeder twice daily: in the morning and early afternoon is perfect. Equally important is the food we...
A Record Breaking Bird Food February 26, 2020Our new One for All™ bird food is breaking all records in my garden: it’s attracting more species than any bird seed recipe I’ve ever tested. It’s encouraging birds to...
Robin Bird: Identification, Behavior, and Feeding Tips January 17, 2020The Robin (Erithacus rubecula), is a small insectivorous passerine bird and is simply known as the robin or robin redbreast (due to the colour of its breast being bright red)...
Swallow: Identification and Behaviour December 6, 2019The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) is a passerine bird from the sparrow family. It is smaller than a House Sparrow, but its appearance is similar. Its chest is a chestnut-brown...
A Look at 'Straight' Bird Foods October 29, 2019Cheaper bird food mixes often contain large quantities of low-energy fillers such as wheat and milo. It's certainly worth spending a little more to avoid these cheaper fillers. Another way...
Capturing the Natural World Through a Lens: Tips for Bird Photography October 29, 2019I challenged my two boys to take a few photos on Sunday to see if they could capture nature and its surroundings during a family stroll into town. Here's the...
Wren Bird: Identification, Behavior, and Feeding Guid October 29, 2019The Wren (Troglodytes Troglodytes) is a small dumpy bird that is warm brown in colour with lighter shades of brown and cream, its wings are small and roundish and the...
Latest news: An elected fellow of The Linnean Society of London October 28, 2019Simon H King, Haith’s Associate Director has recently been elected a Fellow of The Linnean Society of London, the world’s oldest active biological society. The Society was founded in 1788...
Wildlife adventure with an iPhone - Update on the Buddleia Bush October 28, 2019In this week's Wildlife Adventures with an iPhone, I'd like to show you what's happened to that buddleia bush in my garden.The one that was so full of life in...
Hawfinch: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide October 8, 2019The Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) is a passerine bird and is part of the finch family (Fringillidae). The Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) is a passerine bird and is part of the finch...
Birdwatching Beyond the Garden: Exploring Birds in Natural Habitats October 7, 2019Everyone knows that if you’re lucky enough and encourage birds, they should land in your garden. But did you realise that different birds live in different places? We have chosen...
Goldfinch: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips September 25, 2019The Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) is a small bird which heralds from the finch (Fringillidae) family. Its body is predominantly brown in colour (golden), belly and rump are white, and its...
Which Bird Foods Attract Goldfinches? September 25, 2019There are only three types of Goldfinch in the world. Two live across the Atlantic Ocean (the American goldfinch and Lawrence’s goldfinch – also found in the USA). The European...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - Bird Feeder Test September 23, 2019There’s no substitute for good quality, super-clean bird food in my wildlife garden; however, bird feeders can be interchangeable depending on the bird diet I’m providing. There’s no doubt in...