Attracting Blue Tits to Your Garden
The Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) is a very small passerine bird and is a member of the Tit family (Paridae).
They can easily be identified as it is the only tit with a blue wing, tail and crown. It has a yellow chest and a black line runs through the eye, around the nape and cheeks. A white border surrounds the blue crown, while the back is a greenish colour, with yellow colouration on the rump. The bill is black with a brownish tip; legs are a deep slate blue.
This common attractive little bird is always welcome in our gardens and you will always see it hanging on feeders of all descriptions and even feeding on the bird tables. They are very fond of Peanuts, Insects, Mealworms, Huskfree Advance, Suet Cakes and Fatballs; they're not too fussy and will quite happily take whatever is offered. At one time they were known for piercing foil milk bottle tops to get at the cream.
The Blue Tit has high mortality especially during harsher winters and really benefits from the food we provide. Also by having a nest box in your garden will give the birds a sheltered warm place especially if you line it with some wood shaving or nesting material. Blue Tits will readily take too closed in nest boxes with a 25mm diameter entrance hole and at Haiths we do a nest box which is just ideal for them.
We are particularly lucky at present to have a high population of Blue Tits which is thought to be due to un-natural survival through the beneficial effects of our winter bird feeding and with our help we can make sure they have enough food and water to drink and bathe in during the cold weather. By watching these sweet little birds they can bring a lot of enjoyment.