Dunnock Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide
The Dunnock (Prunella modularis) is a small passerine bird and - at first glance - it can look very dull, but it can be quite attractive when seen up close. It has a light and dark streaky brown back and underside, greyish head and breast and a fine black bill.
It is described by its name which derives from the Old English word for ‘little brown’.
It is a very quiet, quaint bird and can seem quite nervous and agitated, constantly flicking its tail and wings. They are famed songsters, and their call is a rapid yet shrill “tseeping” sound which will signal others around them. It is also a bird that can easily be missed as they flit around searching for food and then disappearing quickly into the hedgerow.
Dunnocks like to inhabit any well-vegetated areas with brambles, shrubs and hedges, towns villages and farmland. It can often be seen on its own creeping along the edge of a flower bed or near to a bush, in search of insects, worms, spiders and seeds. Although an insect eater, they will consume smaller seeds as well, such as peanut granules - these small nuts are packed with protein and oils and are a no-waste banquet that will provide a huge amount of energy in a bite size.
Occasionally, especially in the winter months, high-energy superfoods, such as insect suet pellets, provide an important source of nutrition and combined with the protein of the creepy crawlies will give them the nutrition they need. This special treat is something that the birds will simply love, and can easily be taken if scattered on the ground a bird table or even a feeder.
With winter almost upon us, garden birds always need our help and at Haith's we have been providing high-quality birds foods since 1937. So whichever of our foods you choose they will keep Dunnocks (and other birds) healthy and will help them survive and thrive during even the coldest of months.

Written by Tina Jakes