Introducing 'One for All': Our New Premium No-Mess Bird Food Mix September 19, 2019Those of you who regularly read my Wildlife Adventures with an iPhone series will have seen the video I took while testing our new no mess bird seed mix, “One...
My 20/20 Vision: Together, We Can Make Things Better for Birds September 11, 2019I can remember when I first put bird food out in the garden and waiting patiently with my face squashed up against the kitchen window for the birds to show...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - Creating Two New Bird Diets for Overwintering Birds September 11, 2019It's beginning to look a lot like autumn out there. Birds are looking a little more purposeful in their search for food. The sudden drop in temperatures and dwindling daylight...
DIY Bird Enthusiast: How to Protect Your Birds from Bullies September 9, 2019We often receive photos from Haith's customers, but these made us stop in our tracks. You won't believe what this is. Mrs Price's bird feeders have been 'bombarded by the...
Common Pheasant: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips September 9, 2019The Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae). The male has iridescent copper-coloured plumage and a long tail. Its head and neck are green, though...
Mallard Duck: Habitat, Behavior, and Feeding Guide August 27, 2019The Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is a large duck, with a long body, and a long broad bill. The male is instantly recognisable with its shiny dark green head, a yellow...
Which Bird Food is Best for Ducks? August 27, 2019Ducks are found throughout the world in all different habitats such as small ditches, ponds, right through to rugged coasts. All species are aquatic and have webbed feet and a...
Common Blackbird: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips August 13, 2019The common Blackbird (Turdus merula) is a member of the thrush family. The male Blackbirds have a glossy black plumage, black-brown legs, a yellow eye-ring and an orange-yellow bill. The...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - Birds at the Beach Hut August 12, 2019Welcome to this week's wildlife adventures with an iPhone, I'd like to share a short video of one of my favourite wild birds - the House Martin.Actually, it’s three times...
What Bird Food Do Blackbirds Like? Top Choices for Feeding Blackbirds August 7, 2019We all know the English nursery rhyme “Sing a Song of Sixpence” which includes the unfortunate mention of 'Four and twenty Blackbirds, baked in a pie,' - we like to...
Teasel: Embracing This Wildflower in Your Garden August 6, 2019In this edition of my wildlife adventures with an iPhone, the thought occurred to me (during a lunchtime stroll) that one person's wildflower is another person's weed. Take the Teasel,...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - Mallard Ducklings July 23, 2019In today’s wildlife adventures with an iPhone, I want to encourage you to use your smartphone camera (mine’s an iPhone) to reconnect with the natural world. Feeding bird food to...
Long-tailed Tit: Favourite Bird Foods and Feeding Tips July 16, 2019The Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) is a small bird with pink, black and white plumage and a long black tail with white outer feathers. It is called the 'Long-tailed' tit...
Best Bird Food for Small Garden Birds: A Comprehensive Guide July 16, 2019More numerous and harder to spot are our smaller garden birds. These could well be cute finches, tits and sparrows being some of the birds that will most frequently visit...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone - The Chaffinch July 16, 2019I’m determined to continue my wildlife adventures with my trusty iPhone at the ready. However, this week I wanted to find something a little more subtle than last week’s Goldfinch...
Wildlife adventures with an iPhone July 8, 2019This weekend I thought I'd take time out for nature and see what I can capture on my trusty iPhone. I went in search of something a little off beat...
Siskin Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips July 2, 2019The Siskin (Spinus spinus) is a small passerine bird and is part of the finch family (Fringillidae). It is a lively little finch that has a distinctly forked tail and...
Yellowhammer Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips May 21, 2019The Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) is a passerine bird and is part of the bunting family. The bright yellow plumage of the adult male Yellowhammer - along with his reddish-brown upperparts...
Best Bird Food for Wrens: A Comprehensive Feeding Guide May 14, 2019Tuesday, 14th May 2019 The tiny Wren is one of our favourites. Small and often very secretive it breeds all over Britain but can suffer serious declines if we have a prolonged...
Can Bird Seed Go Bad? Shelf Life and Storage Tips May 8, 2019The biggest clue you might get that your bird food may no longer be fresh is if your garden birds won’t eat it (although - just to confuse matters -...
Bullfinch Bird: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Guide April 24, 2019The Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) comes from the family of finches (Fringillidae). It is a quiet, secretive but heavily built finch, the male has beautiful uniform pinkish-red breast and underparts, a...
How Water Helps Wildlife: Tips for Creating a Water-Friendly Habitat April 10, 2019Wildlife cannot live without water and UK homeowners are being urged to help newts, frogs and hedgehogs by installing a garden pond or simply filling an old sink, bowl or...
Starling Bird: Identification, Behavior, and Feeding Tips April 4, 2019The common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is a medium-sized passerine and is typically 20cm (8in) in length, and is slightly smaller than a blackbird. From a distance, they can appear just...
Chaffinch Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide March 7, 2019The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) is a common and widespread small bird in the finch family. The male is brightly coloured with a blue-grey cap and reddish underparts. The female is...
A Guide to Choosing a Nest Box February 4, 2019There are few things more satisfying or entertaining than having birds take to a nest box that you have put up. Ideally, no garden should be devoid of a bird...
Attracting Blue Tits to Your Garden February 4, 2019The Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) is a very small passerine bird and is a member of the Tit family (Paridae). They can easily be identified as it is the only...
Jackdaw: Characteristics, Habitat, and Feeding Tips January 21, 2019The Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) is the smallest member of the crow family. It has a dark grey to black plumage with a contrasting grey nape, light coloured eyes and a...
Great Spotted Woodpecker: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips December 27, 2018The Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) is a medium-sized bird, and is one of two black and white woodpeckers that can be found in Britain. Identification is easy to detect...
Mistle Thrush: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips December 6, 2018Thursday, 6th December 2018 The Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) is the largest member of the thrush family. It’s a very distinguished looking bird; its upperparts are grey-brown, and its underparts are a...
A Wildlife Garden in November November 19, 2018A drop in temperature offers a fantastic opportunity for the garden bird enthusiast; it’s a great time of year to watch nature develop in your own back garden; it’s a...
Dunnock Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide November 5, 2018The Dunnock (Prunella modularis) is a small passerine bird and - at first glance - it can look very dull, but it can be quite attractive when seen up close....
Understanding Metabolic Bone Disease in Hedgehogs: Causes and Treatments October 25, 2018Upon reading articles online suggesting that peanuts and sunflower hearts could lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD), and that dried fruit may lead to tooth decay, we immediately contacted our...
Metabolic Bone Disease in Hedgehogs October 25, 2018Upon reading articles online suggesting that peanuts and sunflower hearts could lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD), and that dried fruit may lead to tooth decay, we immediately contacted our...
Night-Singing Birds: Species and Their Songs October 22, 2018Monday, 22nd October 2018 No-one can have failed to notice the night’s drawing in but this doesn’t mean the end of birdsong. Although birdsong is normally connected with daytime birds there are...
Crested Tit: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips October 22, 2018The Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) is a passerine bird and is a member of the tit family Paridae. It may not be a very colourful bird, but it can be...
Great Tit: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips October 8, 2018The Great Tit (Parus major) is a passerine bird and the largest member of the tit family (Paridae). It's perhaps best recognised by its glossy black crown and pure white...
Redwing Bird: Identification, Migration Patterns, and Feeding Tips September 20, 2018The Redwing (Turdus iliacus) is a small bird and a member of the thrush family (Turdidae). Its appearance is very similar to the Song Thrush but is distinguished by its...
Migrating Swallows September 10, 2018One of the UK’s most popular summer visitors is the Swallow. They arrive here in April and by early June most Swallows have started to breed. The first brood of...
Swallow Bird: Identification, Behaviour and Feeding Tips September 5, 2018The Swallow (Hirundo rustica) is part of the group of passerine birds in the family Hirundinidae which are characterised by their adaptation to aerial feeding. They are easily recognised with...
Wheatear Bird: Identification and Migration August 28, 2018The Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small passerine bird previously considered to be part of the thrush family (Turdidae); however, they are more commonly thought of as members of the...
Helping Wildlife from the Workplace: Tips and Strategies August 22, 2018We all know the pleasures of feeding our local wildlife at home. Watching your garden birds feeding can give us great satisfaction and when your birds drink, bathe and preen...
How to Hydrate Damaged Feathers: Care Tips for Bird Enthusiasts August 10, 2018We all know the benefits of providing our garden birds with water. Drinking and bathing are the main reasons but a new report suggests that there are even more health...
Willow Warbler: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips August 10, 2018The Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) is a small delicate bird and looks very similar to Chiffchaffs but they are a bit more slender. They have grey-green backs, pale yellow under...
Hygiene Tips for Garden Bird Feeding: Keeping Your Feeders Clean July 31, 2018What is the importance of Hygiene and Garden Bird Feeding. The importance of practising hygiene when feeding garden birds was emphasised once again in a recent scientific paper in the...
Lapwing: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips July 17, 2018The Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) is a member of the plover family it is also known as the green plover or pee-wit after its call. It is mainly black and white,...
Does Nature make us happier? July 16, 2018Thousands of us took part in the 30 days Wild in June and - with growing evidence that the natural world improves our energy levels and reduces anxiety - more...
Grey Wagtail: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips July 1, 2018The Grey wagtail (Motacilla Cinerea) has slate grey upper parts and a strong yellow under-tail. In flight, its tail is longer than those of pied and yellow wagtails and it...
Goldcrest: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Guide May 1, 2018The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a very small passerine bird; they are a dull greyish-green bird with a pale belly and a black and yellow stripe on their heads, which...
Bird Species Threatened with Extinction: Causes and Conservation Tips April 27, 2018After a five year study of population data called The State of the World’s Birds, a biodiversity crisis has been revealed due to the expansion and intensification of agriculture. The...
Nightingale Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Song April 16, 2018The Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) is a small passerine bird that is slightly larger than the Robin but more slender. Their colour is a rather plain brown, with a thin black/brown...
Big Garden Bird Watch 2018: Key Findings and Insights April 16, 2018In 2017 during the breeding season conditions were mild and this has been linked to a higher than usual influx of smaller bird species in our gardens during January 2018....
What Do You Feed a Bird? Essential Tips for Bird Feeding April 9, 2018The first thing to do is to find out which birds are most likely to be visitors to your garden. That means bird identification: if your bird ID is a...
What Kind of Food Do Birds Like to Eat? Top Picks for Bird Feeders April 4, 2018As with humans, birds also like a variety to their diet. Here at Haith’s, we are regularly asked ‘What kind of food do birds like to eat?’ We offer a...
What Is a Bird's Favourite Food? Top Choices for Feeding Birds April 3, 2018Different birds have different food requirements as they navigate their lifetime, high-protein in spring, high-energy during winter, and supplementary offerings such as suet will help birds live a healthier life....
Can You Eat Bird Food? Safety and Nutrition Insights March 29, 2018As the title suggests we do sometimes get asked, “Can you eat bird food?” We like to tell our customers that our high-quality bird seed is super-clean and safe for...
What Attracts Birds to Feeders? Tips for a Bird-Friendly Garden March 28, 2018There are lots of bird feeders of different styles, designs and sizes on the market, so you may think to yourself which is the best one for my garden and...
What Can You Feed a Wild Bird? Safe and Nutritious Options March 27, 2018Feeding garden birds is one of the most helpful things you can do for wildlife; however, you have to be thoughtful with your feeding. What can you feed a wild...
What Do Garden Birds Like to Eat? A Comprehensive Guide March 23, 2018It’s often an assumption that birds only need our help during the winter months but this certainly isn’t the case. Wild birds need our help throughout each and every season...
Which kind of bird food attracts the most garden birds? March 22, 2018A wildlife-friendly garden is a great way to support nature and bring more life to your garden. A question we get asked regularly here at the Haith's bird food centre...
Nuthatch Bird: Identification, Habitat, and Feeding Tips March 20, 2018Nuthatches (Sitta europaea) are a small passerine bird belonging to the family Sittidae. They have blue-grey upperparts and a long black stripe through the eye. The underparts are pale reddish-brown....