Collection: Cuckoo Products

With its slim build, pointed wing, bluish-grey plumage and long tail the Cuckoo could be confused with a Hawk. The male’s call is unique, and the female’s is an infrequent trill.

Cuckoos are purely summer visitors, arriving in mid-April and they have usually departed by September. The female will lay her dozen eggs in the nests of other species such as Meadow Pipits, Reed Warblers and Dunnock’s. Once hatched, the chick will throw out the occupants and it will then be fed by its new oblivious foster parent.

You are more likely to see one in flight, especially as it glides over open areas, such as reed beds. They feed on insects and hairy caterpillars. Before eating the caterpillars they will shake the toxins out of them. They do spend some time on the ground too.

They are now a Red List Species.
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