How to achieve a quick healthy moult
Birds which are in good condition don’t stick in the moult, they get through it quickly and thus maintains their stamina.
Birds fed on Condition Seed have greater resistance to ill effects at the moult and they come through it rapidly and with finer plumage. Condition Seed is our top tip for healthy moulting and it’s available with and without rape seed.
1). Feed conditioning seeds
After the physiological strain of breeding, parent birds may be liable to exhaustion and also will have commenced their moult. This is certainly the most stressful time for birds - particularly in the wild as they are inhibited by loss of feathers and their flying ability. Fortunately, captive birds have fewer threats from predation but, nevertheless, they still maintain their natural territorial space around them and can still be stressed by their caged colleagues. They will be helped through their moult by offering softfood two or three times a week, though.
2). Feed Softfoods two or three times a week
3). Restore colour
Will your bird catch the Judge's eye?
Robin Red®
When colour counts – the right the right colour food may be the deciding factor. The outstanding colour of birds fed on ROBIN RED will always catch the judge’s eye. For colour that wins prizes – feed ROBIN RED.
Ready Mixed is the EASY way to colour and condition. Haith’s Ready Mixed Colour Food is preferred by many breeders as it's safe and easy to feed to Canaries, British Finches and Hybrids.
4). Feed tonics to help birds revive & thrive
“KRAKER” The tonic seed mixture that ACTS FAST. Successful bird-keepers have known for years that “Kraker” Tonic Grains are invaluable as a reviver following the strains of breeding and moulting for Canaries, Hybrids and British and Foreign Finches. Each seed in “Kraker” has been selected for their health-giving and invigorating properties. This is undoubtedly a super tonic for birds.
Tone up birds for early shows with Haith’s famous Budgie Tonic Seed. Budgie Tonic Seed has helped budgie-breeders get their birds in show condition for many years and the valuable collection of nutritious condition seeds help budgies stay fit, healthy and virile. Young birds, too, benefit from this tonic seed. Its valuable collection of conditioning seeds help budgies over the difficult period between breeding and the show bench.
5). Don't neglect to feed calcium
Coloured Canaries require special treatment prior to and during moult and may in addition be fed Red Factor Canary Food with the addition of Carophyll* Red or Orange (as Red Factor does not contain Carophyll TM).
Don’t neglect the importance of feeding Calcium Every cage and every aviary needs a constant supply of CUTTLEFISH BONE to provide the calcium (Ca) lacking in a seed eater’s diet.
Written by Haith's