Ken Townley's recipe worked a treat
Ken Townley's boilie recipe worked a treat for first time boilie maker Chris Jones
This recipe was provided by Ken Townley to help Chris make his first ever home made boilie using our NEW Robin's Trial Pack.
To create boilies break four eggs into a bowl and add your favourite attractors.
My advice would be 5ml of a spice flavour (Chris used Tiger Nut spice), a few drops of an essential oil, or some Liquid Robin Red (20ml).
Whisk the eggs and attractors and then slowly add the base mix until the desired consistency is achieved.
Pop the ball of paste into a polythene bag, twist the neck of the bag to seal it and then place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Finally remove and roll into sausages before cutting the sausages to the required size.
Roll the paste into boilie shaped balls and then boil these for two minutes.
Remove from the boil with a sieve or perforated spoon and turn out onto a dry towel or newspaper.
Allow the baits to dry for 24 hours and they will be ready to use.
Alternatively you can freeze the baits.
1 comment
Have just discovered the Quality of Haiths products. Now waiting for the weather to warm up to try these excellent ingredients.