Haith's Greener by the Day: February Edition Updates
Haith’s Event Hosting Prospects
Exciting developments are underway as Haith’s initiates the planning of various events for the upcoming year. These will encompass guest speakers, craft stalls, workshops, and more. Stay tuned for announcements about our first major event of the year, NatureSpace with Haith’s – Open Day.
New Podcast!
Nick Ray joined us for a podcast where he shared an emotional experience about how nature saved him from one of the darkest times of his life… Listen here.
Buying Eco-Friendly Products
It’s important to consider purchasing eco-friendly products. This is not only better for the environment, but it can be better for you too! Think about all of the chemicals in the cleaning products or makeup you use… There are many environmentally conscious alternatives out there, made with natural ingredients – many of these products use more sustainable packaging too, helping you to reduce your carbon footprint further.
Importance of Local Shopping
When you go shopping, you might not think about your carbon footprint and how your choices make a difference to the environment. We all hear about climate change and the emergency we are currently in, so now is the time to make small changes to help our planet…
Shopping local has many benefits, including:
Reduced Transportation Emissions – Local products travel shorter distances, thus reducing the number of emissions produced for the product to reach the shelf. Consider the impact on sustainability when choosing to purchase fresh vegetables from a local farm instead of opting for the same product that has been transported from abroad to a supermarket. Often, vegetables are shipped from across the UK or from abroad… That’s a whole lot of emissions for a broccoli!
Less Packaging – Local products stored in farm shops are often on display, unwrapped. Many of these places offer brown bags for you to put your chosen goods in. Not only is this a nice experience, picking out your food, but you’re also eliminating the unnecessary use of plastics – a win-win.
Supporting Local Businesses – Buying what you can from a local butcher's, veg shop or bakery lessens the demand for goods to be imported and allows local areas to thrive.
Although buying locally can sometimes come at a higher cost, making the choice to purchase a small number of products from local businesses, whether it's soap, candles, food, or any other item, instead of opting for a supermarket, can make a positive difference to the environment.
Until next month,
Julianne, Charlotte & Ed