The Charm of Goldfinches: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips
A recent UK-wide survey by the British Trust for Ornithology has revealed that Goldfinches are now being seen in record numbers in our gardens.
After a healthy breeding season this beautiful finch with a red face and gold wing bars, are being seen in twice as many gardens as normal. The report concluded that the number seen in a garden at any one time last month was four birds compared with the average two.
However, it was also recorded that some gardens were lucky enough to have twenty birds at one time. During the autumn months, goldfinches do form feeding flocks and will move around together in search of food.
Some goldfinches will migrate further south to countries like Spain and France for the colder months so how can we help to attract the ones that decide to overwinter here?
The best place to look for them is on a thistle head but if you don’t have these in your garden then our Niger Seed or Goldfinch & Siskin mix are two fantastic alternatives.
We've been supplying niger seed since the 1930s when its unique tonic properties were well renowned within the bird-keeping world and were one of the first companies to pioneer feeding Niger Seed to wild birds. It's a fine, free-flowing oil-rich seed which needs to be fed from a special Niger feeder.
The ultimate mix to attract Goldfinches and Siskins to bird feeders is Haith’s Goldfinch & Siskin mix. This is a very special blend of small oil-rich seeds - now enriched with natural calcium-rich seeds, for healthier birds.
This lovely garden bird appears to have everything – a delightful song, a high-spirited nature, and striking colouration. What more could we want in a garden visitor?

Written by Angela and Chris