Starling Bird: Identification, Behavior, and Feeding Tips
The common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is a medium-sized passerine and is typically 20cm (8in) in length, and is slightly smaller than a blackbird.
From a distance, they can appear just black in colour but - on closer inspection - they have an iridescent purple and green sheen (like oil on water) with white flecks and actually look quite dapper.
They are also noisy and gregarious and spend a lot of the time in flocks, (a murmuration) and wherever there is food about they will descend in large numbers and eat everything very quickly (like there is no tomorrow). Starlings are unwelcome in some bird gardens and may be - quite unfairly given their declining numbers - classed as pests, as they can devour the contents of a bird feeder faster than it can be filled! The fact that they’re generally unwelcome may (or may not) have something to do with their Red List status.
It is important that we feed the starlings as they are listed as a threatened bird species in the UK, their numbers have declined rapidly since the 1980s falling by 45 million and the current population recorded as 3.4 million during the breeding season. It is thought that a lack of nesting sites can be to blame and this is an all too familiar situation for our declining (on the whole) UK wildlife.
Even the huge flocks, which roosted overnight in many of our major cities, woodlands and reed beds, have gone. Their preferred habitat is open woodland with scattered trees amongst farmland but they are also attracted to human habitation. Starlings naturally nest in tree holes and cavities in buildings but will also take to nest boxes with a hole diameter of 46 to 50mm.
This species is omnivorous, taking a wide range of invertebrates, as well as seeds and fruit, whenever it is available.

Our Golden Chorus™ is zero waste and the Starlings will love it and as soon as the bag is opened the aromatic blend of rowan and juniper berries with crumbly moist soft food (which is 100% edible). It is a food that can be put on a ground feeder or bird table.
Our Huskfree Advance is another Starling favourite - it's a no mess, no waste bird food recipe and is enriched with a natural source of calcium. We're so confident that there’s no waste with this super high-energy, Sunflower Heart rich wild bird food that we offer a full money back guarantee if you and your birds aren't 100% satisfied with it. So if a clean patio and huskfree lawn are as important to you as feeding a high-energy bird food, this is the ideal product for you - with the added advantage of no seed germination beneath feeders. It’s amazing how many more birds show up when there's a regular supply of bird food and vacant feeding ports.
Please look out for Starlings in your garden and let’s make them feel welcome as they really do need our help.
Written by Tina Jakes