Many people have traditionally fed ducks and swans bread, but this has raised concerns among wildlife experts. This article explores what ducks and swans naturally eat, what to feed them in winter, and whether bread is safe for them.

What Do Ducks and Swans Naturally Eat?

In the wild, ducks and swans have diverse diets that depend on their species, habitat, and the season. Their natural diet consists of:

  • Aquatic plants and algae

    Ducks and swans forage in water for pondweed, duckweed, and other aquatic vegetation. Swans, in particular, are grazers and rely heavily on submerged plant matter.

  • Insects and small invertebrates

    Bread lacks nutrients for ducks, causing malnutrition and deformities. It also pollutes water, harming ecosystems. Instead, feed them leafy greens, seeds, or duck & goose food for a healthier diet.

  • Seeds and grains

    Waterfowl often eat seeds from grasses, reeds, and other plants. These offer important nutrients and energy.

  • Small fish and amphibians

    Some duck species, such as mergansers, are more carnivorous and will eat small fish, tadpoles, and even crustaceans.

What to Feed Ducks and Swans in Winter & Beyond

Winter can be a challenging time for waterfowl, as natural food sources may become scarce due to ice and snow. Supplementing their diet can be beneficial, but it is essential to provide appropriate food. Some of the best options include:

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Grain and seeds

Cracked corn, wheat, barley, and oats are excellent sources of energy. Scatter them on the ground or in shallow water.

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Leafy greens

Lettuce, kale, spinach, and cabbage are good alternatives to their usual aquatic plants. Chop them into small pieces for easy consumption.

Duck & Goose Mixture for domestic birds - Haith's

Specialist waterfowl food

Many pet and farm stores sell waterfowl food, which provides balanced nutrition and some are even designed to float on the water.

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Cooked rice

Plain, cooked rice (white or brown) can provide energy without any harmful additives.


Peas, carrots, and sweetcorn (fresh or defrosted) offer a variety of nutrients.

Providing food in winter should be done responsibly. Avoid overfeeding and ensure the food does not rot in the water, as this can contribute to pollution and harm the ecosystem.

Haith’s Foods for Ducks and Swans

For those looking for high-quality food options, we provide a specially formulated bird food that is excellent for ducks and swans, and ensures birds receive the best possible nutrition without the risks associated with feeding bread. Opting for a reputable brand like Haith’s ensures you are providing birds with the right diet to help them thrive.

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