Best locations for hanging a suet feeder

Placing your suet feeder in the right spot is crucial for attracting birds while keeping them safe from predators.

  • Near trees & shrubs

    Birds feel safer when they have nearby cover. Hanging your feeder close to trees or shrubs gives them a quick escape route if predators appear.

  • Away from windows

    Placing feeders too close to windows can lead to bird collisions. Try to position your feeder at least 3 mtrs away from windows to reduce this risk.

  • Shaded/sunny spots

    Suet melts in hot weather, so a shaded area will help keep it fresh. In winter, placing it in a sunny spot can help keep suet softer.

  • Winter (below freezing)

    Suet can last several weeks as cold temperatures prevent spoilage. However, birds will likely eat it quickly in winter due to higher energy needs.

  • Spring & Autumn (mild temperatures)

    Suet will remain fresh for 1-2 weeks. Keep an eye on it to ensure it hasn’t turned rancid.

  • Summer (hot temperatures above 24'C)

    Suet can melt and spoil quickly, often within a few days. Consider placing the feeder in shade.

Blue Tit

Suet offers an easily accessible source of energy.


Suet gives a great balance of fats and proteins.


Suet helps to fatten birds up to help them through the winter.


Suet is easily digestible providing instant energy.

Hanging a suet feeder in your garden is an excellent way to support wild birds, especially in winter when food is scarce. By choosing the right location, using high-quality suet, and ensuring it stays fresh, you can attract a wide variety of birds while keeping them safe and well-fed. Whether you buy suet or make your own, providing this high-energy food source will
bring joy to both you and your garden birds all year round.

Written by Angela.