Collection: Marsh Tit Bird Foods

The Marsh Tit, contrary to its name, has no real preference for marshes and is more frequently found in open and broadleaved woodland as well as rural gardens. It rarely appears in the suburbs except where substantial woodland is present.
br> It resembles very closely in colour and size, the Willow Tit (Parus montanus), both having the black cap, nape and chin with fawn under parts and pale-brown upper-parts. However, the Marsh Tit appears to have a smaller head (very much like the Blue Tit) with a glossier black cap and a smaller black bib.

Marsh Tits occasionally come to hanging feeders during the winter for Peanuts and will also feed from Fat Balls. They will also take food from the Bird Table and off the ground and Golden Chorus as well as Mealworms, Prosecto Insectivorous Mix and Huskfree Advance could all be offered during bad weather.

They will use closed-in nest boxes with a 28mm diameter entrance hole providing the situation is secluded and undisturbed

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