You've got to try Prosecto Insectivorous and Red Factor

You've got to try Prosecto Insectivorous and Red Factor

Prosecto Insectivorous and Red Factor… Another bright idea from Haith’s Baits!

If you have been around the block a few times - I’ve been around it so often I am getting giddy - then you will have heard of the famous trio of bait ingredients that we call The Trinity, namely Nectarblend, PTX and the unsung hero, Prosecto Insectivorous.

There is a blog about The Trinity elsewhere on the site:

I thought you guys and gals might be interested in yet another wonderful trick you can play on those crafty carp by using a simple blend of just two ingredients and a bit of flavour.

Just look at that list of ingredients on the label of Prosecto. At a glance you can see it is going to be a prime ingredient in a boiled bait recipe.

Here you can see the complex blend of goodies that makes up Prosecto Insectivorous.

On its own Prosecto is not sufficiently ‘sticky’ to bind together so it helps if you add an equal amount of that classic binding ingredient Red Factor.

If you mix the two together in a ratio of 1:1 and then add water you will find that the Red Factor binds to the Prosecto allowing you to create both paste crumb …

…and paste balls.

Clearly the applications of either option are obvious, especially when you consider that the crumb or paste balls will stay intact for approximately 30 minutes allowing plenty of time to introduce them to your swim by whatever method you feel is appropriate – Spomb, catapult, groundbait pouch/launcher, bait boat or even by hand into the margins. Here you can see how the paste ball has broken down almost completely after about 30 minutes in water.

But it doesn’t end there! Who’d have thought that such a simple blend of two Haith’s Baits ingredients could also be used to create boiled baits. How could anything be so easy! Just add the 50/50 blend of the two ingredients to eggs, to which your favourite attractors have been added…

…roll into your preferred size paste balls and then boil these for two minutes. Turn the baits out into a colander…

…and dry them off with a hair drier.

Turn the baits out onto a clean dry towel and air-dry them for 24 hours. They will then be ready for use. Alternatively you can freeze them or continue to air-dry them.

Personally I like to use my boiled baits within two or three days of making them, as I think this is when they are at their best, with the centres nice and moist and still as fresh as a daisy!


Written by Ken Townley.

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