Fieldfare Bird: Identification, Behaviour, and Feeding Tips
The Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) is a large, colourful bird and a member of the thrush family (Turdidae). They are very similar in size to a mistle thrush and can easily be recognised from its 'thrush' shape and its grey crown, nape and rump along with a chestnut-brown back.
They start to arrive from October and numbers build up as the winter progresses. They return in March and some may stay into May. It is predominantly a winter visitor, and only a few of them nest in the UK.
As a bird which is more used to the isolated conditions of the far north of Scandinavia, it is no wonder that this winter migrant is highly shy, only coming into our gardens in search of food during inclement weather.
They can be seen in flocks during the autumn along hedges, fields and in the countryside. Hawthorn hedges with berries are a favourite eating area and, when snow covers the countryside, putting out slices of apples or pears frequently can attract Fieldfares to feed (if they're in the area). And what a beautiful sight that is to see! Of course, the fruit will also attract the Blackbirds but as the Fieldfares are a little more dominant, they get to the food first.
At the same time as putting out fruit for the birds, why not try some of Haith's famous Golden Chorus. The birds love it. When the bag arrives, take a moment to enjoy opening it; you'll love the aromatic blend of rowan and juniper berries blended with crumbly moist soft-food - which means it's 100% edible. No wonder the birds seem to find it a delicious feed.
Also, our Fat Robin mix is a nutritious, high-energy soft-food that is blended together with suet pellets and ever-popular Sunflower Hearts plus vegetable oils and raisins.
Both mixes can be fed from a soft-food feeder, bird table or even sprinkled on the ground. Once the birds recognise these super-clean mixes there's little doubt that they'll be back for more.
The Fieldfares who roam our countryside are a delightful and attractive part of the winter scene.

Written by Tina Jakes