The nesting season is one of the most crucial times of the year for our garden birds. As they build nests, lay eggs, and raise their young, they require a reliable and nutritious food source to maintain their energy levels. Providing the right food during this time can make a significant difference to bird populations, ensuring that both adult birds and
their chicks thrive.

Should I Feed Garden Birds During the Nesting Season?

Absolutely! While natural food sources such as insects and seeds are available, they may not always be abundant enough to sustain growing families of birds. Feeding birds during the nesting season provides essential nutrients and energy, helping them to stay in peak condition and successfully rear their young.

However, there are some key considerations:

  • Avoid large chunks of food that could be a choking hazard for chicks.
  • Steer clear of whole peanuts - we always recommend whole peanuts are fed from a peanut feeder during spring & summer months - dry bread, and hard food that may be
    difficult for young birds to digest.
  • Ensure that feeding stations are kept clean to prevent the spread of disease*.

*See our Ultimate Guide to Feeding Wild Birds Safely blog for more information.

By providing the right food, you can support your garden birds and enjoy watching them flourish.

Best Foods for Garden Birds During Nesting Season

A balanced diet is vital for garden birds, especially when they are raising chicks. Below are some of the best foods you can provide:

Live Mini Mealworms suitable  for robins, wrens & fledglings

Insect-Rich Foods

Insects and protein-rich foods are among the most beneficial during this period. Live or dried mealworms, waxworms, and calci-worms are excellent choices. These provide high levels of protein and essential nutrients to support chick development.

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Fledge Mix showing ingredients and coloured seeds

 Fledge Mix

Formulated for fledglings and busy parent birds.

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close up of beggars banquet

Beggars Banquet

A wholesome, nutritious soft bird food blended with high-protein peanut pieces

Shop here

Sunflower Hearts

Packed with essential fats, ideal for busy parent birds.

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Great British Suet Fat Balls (no nets) - Haith's

Suet and Fat Balls

Suet provides a high-energy food source, ideal for breeding birds. Choose high-quality suet balls or blocks, ensuring they are free from artificial additives. Avoid suet with large chunks of nuts, as these can be difficult for chicks to digest.

Shop here

What Can I Feed Garden Birds from the Kitchen?

Many common kitchen foods can be suitable for birds, but it’s important to offer them in moderation and in an appropriate form. Here are some good options:

  • cooked white rice in a brown dish

    Cooked Rice or Pasta

    Plain, unsalted rice or pasta provides an energy boost.

  • grated cheese on a wooden board with a knife nearby


    Mild, grated cheese is a good source of calcium and protein.

  • half a banana being chopped up on a wooden chopping board


    Apples, pears, and bananas (chopped into small pieces) offer natural sugars and vitamins.

  • porridge oats spilling out of a glass jar

    Porridge Oats

    Uncooked oats can be a nutritious snack.

  • Peanut Granules - Haith's

    Unsalted, Crushed Nuts

    A good protein source, but make sure they are finely chopped.

What to Avoid Feeding Birds

Some kitchen scraps can be harmful to birds. Avoid:

  • Salty or processed foods
  • Bread (which lacks nutrients and can swell in their stomachs)
  • Milk (which birds cannot digest properly)
  • Large chunks of food that could pose a choking risk

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Keep Feeders Clean

Regularly clean feeding stations to prevent the spread of disease.

Provide Fresh Water

A shallow dish of fresh water is essential for drinking and bathing.

Place Food in Safe Locations

Position feeders and food sources away from potential predators.

Avoid Disturbing Nesting Sites

If you notice birds nesting in your garden, keep a respectful distance.

Supporting Birds Beyond the Nesting Season

While feeding birds during nesting season is incredibly helpful, supporting them year-round ensures they stay healthy through every stage of their lives. Switching to seasonally appropriate foods, such as autumnal fat reserves or winter suet, helps them through colder months.

By choosing high-quality bird food like Haith’s seed mixes, offering safe kitchen scraps, and following best feeding practices, you can make a real difference to your garden birds during nesting season and beyond.

Feeding garden birds during the nesting season is a rewarding and essential activity that helps them thrive.

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