Collection: Nuthatch Food & Essentials

Nuthatches are the only tree-creeping British birds with long, straight, pointed bills. They have blue-grey upperparts and a long black stripe through the eye. The underparts are pale reddish-brown. They are active, robust, short-tailed birds that creep down the trunks and branches of trees headfirst.

Their preferred habitat is mature deciduous woodland but they may often be seen in parkland and sizeable gardens with large trees. In this type of setting they are easily attracted to Hanging Nut Feeders and bird tables, particularly during wintertime. They enjoy Peanuts and after extracting them from the feeder will wedge them in bark crevices and break them into pieces by hammering at them with their bills.

They naturally nest in tree cavities where they plaster up the entrance hole with mud but they will also take to nest boxes with a 32mm (1¼") diameter entrance hole.

Try these bird foods:

Nuthatch  Haith's on a moss branch