Collection: Redwing Bird Products

The Redwing is another winter visitor that breeds in the mountainous open birch forest of the far north of Scandinavia but there are a few that breed in Scotland. In appearance, it is very similar to the Song Thrush but is distinguished by its dark-brown supercillium, streaked rather than spotted underparts and chestnut red flanks and underwings.

Over-wintering birds spend much of their time foraging in small flocks on fields and pastures and in mixed woodland. They are predominantly insectivorous taking invertebrates such as worms, slugs, snails and any insects they may come across. They will also move along hedgerows clearing them of any remaining fruits and occasionally picking up the odd seed.

In harsh weather, they will be attracted to garden feeders by other birds but will only take food offered on the ground. In snowy weather, they will join Blackbirds and Fieldfares feeding on fallen fruit such as apples but will also take bird food when it is very cold.

Try Prosecto Insectivorous Mix and Golden Chorus spread on the ground and even Haith's Wild bird Foods are accepted in prolonged spells of bad weather.
Redwing Bird Products

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