Paul Rose – On land & sea (Naturespace with Haith's podcast)

Paul Rose – On land & sea (Naturespace with Haith's podcast)

"When I started the Naturespace with Haith's podcast journey, I had a vision. That vision was to interview guests whose love for nature is as strong as Haith's - I wanted to talk to people who are making a positive difference for nature and learn from them what we can do to make a positive difference with every decision we make; for example, as a result of talking to Paul, we're doubling our efforts to remove single-use plastics from our supply chain to eliminate plastic pollution." Simon King - Haith's Director.  

Here's our podcast episode with Paul Rose: Explorer, polar expert, TV presenter, broadcaster and one of the world's most experienced divers talks to Haith's about plastic pollution & what it takes to have an 'explorer mindset.'  

Haith’s mission R is top of our list.  As a company we are doing all we can to go plastic free. We know there can’t be a life without plastic but what we can do is manage it better. We have and will continue to look at ways we can reduce our reliability on single-use plastic. We want a better world for us and nature.

Paul Rose, television presenter, radio broadcaster, deep sea diver and marine expert has worked and led expeditions in some of the world’s most remote areas.

His work at Rothera Research Station in Antarctica sure is inspirational and you can view his podcast with us here

It’s Paul’s work as a marine expert that is truly remarkable. He sees the result of plastic pollution in our oceans at its worst stage.

“I’ve been diving the world’s oceans for over 40 years – and plastic waste is an increasing problem,” says Paul. “It’s out there in the ecosystem, getting into the food chain, harming wildlife. And as a ‘top of the food chain’ predator myself, goodness knows what it might be doing to me.” 

Paul at the Zurich Museum of Design with the amount of plastic that enters the sea every 15 seconds!

Plastic can be seen as a tasty snack for fish and birds leading to fears that it can enter the human food chain.

Plastic in our seas is a serious environmental threat and it begins with us. We need to take the threat seriously as we don’t yet know how far up the food chain plastic waste will go.

What can we all do? Let’s all keep our little part of the world clean. Pick up litter, take litter home with us and dispose of properly, recycle when we can, go on beach cleans and litter picks and stop using single use plastics.

But most of all let’s all agree today to stop plastic getting into our rivers and oceans in the first place.

Watch Paul here being interviewed by Simon King (Haith's). 

Paul Rose website:

Written by Angela

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