Quick and Easy Seed & Cereal Groundbait: Ring the Dinner Bell

Quick and Easy Seed & Cereal Groundbait: Ring the Dinner Bell

Monday, 11th January 2021

Hi! Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year holiday, Covid-19 allowing. Can I now wish you all a very happy and carp-filled 2021, again Covid-19 allowing.

What a strange year 2020 was. Because of our age and health issues we were more or less marooned Chez Nous for the entirety, cancelling five trips abroad and three in the UK! Such fun…Not! Still, full of hope and enthusiasm for this year we have started making bookings again including three to France.

At the moment Brexit seems to have put the kibosh on taking certain types of bait across the Channel. This mainly applies to boilies due to the animal, fish and milk proteins and meals used therein. The strictures may even rule out shelf life boilies. Currently I am not sure what rules will be applied to seeds, cereals, pulses and nuts. But let's hope it all gets sorted soon. In the meantime, I thought I'd take a different approach and highlight what's already available in France.

The huge French farm stores and feed producers are a rich source of most types of non-boilie baits so today I want to show you how to make a very quick and easy Mini-Seed Groundbaits using Oat Groats and our unique Red Band Pigeon Conditioner.****

3 red mugs filled with Red Band, Groats and boiling water.

Follow this simple recipe for a quick and easy groundbait.

For small amounts first measure out equal amounts of Red BandOat Groats and boiling water.

For larger amounts simply apply the same rule of thirds.

Seed mixed in with boiling water.

Put the groats, red band and hot water in a saucepan and bring back to the boil.

Bait mix being poured into a silver Thermos flask.

Next pour the bait into a freezer box with a tight fitting lid. Alternatively pour the mixture into a Thermos flask or two.

Two black Thermos flasks stood next to each other.

Seal the box/flask and leave to stand overnight (or 8 hours).

Dried bait ready for carp fishing.

When the time is up pour out the bait into a bait bucket. The result will be a mass of tiny seeds and grains that are cooked to perfection retaining all the goodness and attraction of the absorbed water that is often discarded if you follow a more traditional preparation method.

I have literally lost count of the number of carp I have caught using this blend of two of the best mini particles on the market.

Hand holding the dried and mixed bait.

You can experiment with other seeds and cereals and blending popcorn maize with Red Band is especially effective.

Dry peanuts in a glass pot, next to soaking ones.

Here's another top tip for you: add a handful of soaked salted peanuts to the mix. You'll be astonished at the effectiveness of this little wheeze.

Ken holding a large carp he caught using his homemade bait.

The results speak for themselves!


Written by Ken Townley

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