Making Memories in the Natural World
Children love to have fun, and as a parent or grandparent, we are always looking for things to do especially at a weekend or during school holidays.

Most of the time children like to be outdoors and finding somewhere to go that doesn’t cost too much is not always easy. By visiting parks and woodlands, our children can run about to their hearts content, and this will help them discover nature and learn more about the world.
Exploring a park with a pond is a fascinating place to spend time as a family and a great summer activity. Feeding the ducks has always been popular with small children (and adults too!)
Whilst we like to get the children out and about, the weather doesn’t always allow it, often putting a dampener on our ready-made plans. This is when we need some inspiration, and making things is a great way to keep our children entertained. By checking what is in your recycling bin you can always find something; from paper rolls, egg cartons, plastic bottles, and cardboard, these all make great crafting materials!
My grandson Jack, aged 6, was given a project by his schoolteacher to make something out of recycling at home. He came up with a great idea! He chose to use a plastic bottle, and then decided that he would like to make a bird feeder, so he could hang it up in the garden. He was so pleased with his creation and now he gets so much enjoyment by watching the birds that feed on it.
Recycling helps us reuse these precious resources and prevents global warming from getting worse. This is why it is so important for children to learn about it, from a young age. Why not have a rummage through the recycling at your house and make something special with the youngsters in your life?
As parents, carers, or grandparents, we can think outside the box and spend quality time with our little ones. By getting outside or getting creative inside… Let’s let our children bond with nature and find a lifelong love for it!
Written by Tina Jakes