Collection: Bullfinch Foods

The Bullfinch male has beautiful uniform pinkish-red breast and underparts, a black head, tail and primary wing feathers and grey back. In-flight, its white rump is particularly noticeable. The female has duller plumage being paler and browner. They have short, stout black bills, ideal for breaking open hedgerow fruits and seeds. They also take buds from trees and shrubs and can become pests particularly in orchards and for the fruit farmer.

It was at one time a common bird of deciduous and coniferous woodland, as well as in orchards and farmland and gardens with fruit-bearing hedgerows but its eradication by fruit farmers has only added to its serious decline in recent years.

During the breeding season and late summer, the Bullfinch is particularly shy but as winter approaches and hedgerow, food becomes more difficult to find they will come into gardens in search of food. They may then be in small groups and will come to the bird table and any food spread on the ground.

They will take Haith's Wild Bird Foods especially when the ground becomes snow-covered and Sunflower Hearts are also eagerly taken at this time.

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