Collection: Top-Quality Ground Baits

Premium Groundbait Ingredients for Effective Fishing.

Explore Haith's range of ground bait ingredients designed to attract and nourish fish. Our selection includes high-quality proteins, binders, and essential nutrients, making it easy to create your own effective fishing bait mixes. Whether you're targeting carp or experimenting with new bait combinations, our trusted ingredients ensure success.

  • Red Band®: World-famous pigeon conditioner, ideal for fishing.
  • SuperRed™: Versatile 3-in-1 bait rich in aniseed oil.
  • Nectarblend™: Classic nutritional binding agent.
  • Crushed Hemp Seed: Perfect for groundbait.
  • HoneyRed™: Unique honey-based 3-in-1 ingredient with Robin Red.

Enhance your fishing experience with Haith's premium groundbait ingredients.

Buy ground baits and fishing ingredients below: 

Dark red ground bait in shape of a ball.