Collection: Siskin Food & Essentials for UK Gardens

The Siskin UK is Britain's smallest finch and a bird commonly associated with coniferous forests where it usually breeds. It has greenish-coloured plumage, streaked dark brown to black, the male having brighter and darker colouration with a black forehead and chin patch and a black-tipped tail. Females and juveniles are duller with more streaking.

Its numbers vary depending on seed production and as the seed from spruce trees dries up they turn to alder and birch seeds. Outside the breeding season, Siskins join up with other finches, especially Redpolls, foraging through the tops of alders and birches but they also visit hanging nut feeders and bird tables, especially as wild food becomes scarcer.

Siskins enjoy peanuts and other small seeds as are provided in Haith's Wild Bird Food or especially Niger Seed. They also take Golden Chorus.

Try these bird foods:

A Siskin sat on a branch